Vi's Cupcakes is the 1st cupcakes shop in Indonesia which offers more than 50 designs in many variety of types and flavors. Vi's Cupcakes has daily menu and also special menu. In daily menu, our shop always provides many kinds of cupcakes such as vanilla, chocolate, caramel, peanuts and many more. For the special menu, we provides unique cupcakes in special days such as Hallowen, Christmast, Independence Day and others.

Furthermore, Vi's Cupcakes has one special service for all types of order. You may order a huge cupcake(s) for your amazing party or celebration.

In Vi's Cupcakes Shop, we serve you differently because Vi's Cupcakes is set up to make its customers satisfied both from the products and services. Our shop applies "roll&fast" model. If you go to our shop, you do not need to get out of your car. Directly, our waiters will come to you and ask for your order by wearing roller skates. You can also watch top rated movies every night. Find your fantastic day here in Vi's Cupcakes Shop.